I don't have a fiddle but I'd like to take the Raw Beginner class. Will instruments be provided?
For 2024 we won't be having a raw beginner class. Students in the beginner class will need to have 6 months to 1 year of fiddle experience.
I'm coming from out of town/province. Are there any hotels in the area?
Do I need to bring my own instrument?
Yes, all musicians are required to bring their own instruments. You might even want to bring an extra set of strings just in case!
Where are the events located?
All events will be located at Crescent Fort Rouge Arts Center, 525 Wardlaw Ave, Winnipeg.
I heard there was an instructor concert. When is this happening?
The Shivering Strings Winnipeg Fiddle concert will be held on Thur. Jan. 11th at 7pm at Crescent Fort Rouge Arts Centre. Click on this link to buy your ticket.
I have bought my ticket but where do I register for which class I want to take?
Their are two steps to completing your registration: 1) Fill out the registration form on the registration page. and 2) pay for your ticket by visiting this website.